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Practices 1: Flourish Biblical Peacemaking & Conflict Resolution

Building A Peacemaking Culture

Course Summary

Our goal with this resource is to train and empower local churches, regional governing bodies, as well as national governing and staff bodies in the practice of conflict resolution centered around Christ. Conflict is a challenge that affects congregations and church plants alike.

Our collaborative efforts aim to assist every church in cultivating and adopting a culture of Flourishing Biblical Peacemaking, enabling the resolution of day-to-day conflicts within churches. These courses are designed to guide you in taking initial steps to equip your congregation with the essential skills for this crucial ministry.  

Biblical peacemaking offers transformative assistance to individuals, couples, families, churches, organizations, and communities grappling with conflict. At its core, the Gospel of Jesus Christ serves as the foundation for the principles of biblical peacemaking.

Bill Gestal


I have been a pastor for almost 40 years and every church I have served had some level of conflict. It might be interpersonal or systemic. The skills learned in the Peacemaking Trainings are so helpful and practical. I wish I had these skill decades ago. Personally I encourage every pastor to take this training and to consider bringing it to your church at large.

Upcoming Training Dates

To enroll, you must have previously completed Peacemaking PRINCIPLES

Want to Audit?

If you have already enrolled previously in both Practices 1 and would like to audit a future course, please view the course under your course dashboard and reserve your spot in the live class for the training you would like to audit.